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management of land resources中文是什么意思

用"management of land resources"造句"management of land resources"怎么读"management of land resources" in a sentence


  • 土地资源管理


  • Land use planning is the mainly basis of the management of land resources
  • Fao guidelines for integrated planning for sustainable management of land resources and their revelations
  • Achieving a balance between occupancy and supplement of farmland and sustained management of land resources
  • Furthermore , the integrated development provide a new thought about developing other software relation with the management of land resource . the author take a useful attempt at this development
  • The study in the paper offers land management work a scientific method , accords with the requirements of information age to the scientific management of land resources and sustainable development strategy , and has higher practical and spread value
  • Therefore , it is necessary to find out the current situation of eco - environment geology in the upper reaches of minjiang river and assess its quality in order to put . scientific reference for land planning and reasonable utilization and macroscopical management of land resources
  • Land use plan is an activity about the proper use and operating management of land resources in certain region in according to the features of natural , social , economic , technical conditions and historic base and the need of improving national economy
  • This paper , starting with a review of the history and status quo of the study on land resources in china , argues that there are 10 foci in the present study of land resources at present , namely : multidisciplinary perspectives ; theoretical pursuits ; land use planning and land arrangement ; land use and resources - environment safety ; sustainable utilization of land resources ; management of land resources ; protection of farmland resources and food safety ; structural adjustment and optimal distribution of land ; land use and cover change ( lucc ) ; and application of modem technology to the exploitation and utilization of land resources
    摘要文章阐述了中国土地资源研究的历史,分析了中国土地资源研究的现状,指出目前中国土地资源的研究主要集中在以下几个方面:众多的学科研究土地资源;土地资源的理论研究;土地利用规划与土地整理研究;土地利用与资源环境安全研究;土地资源可持续利用研究;土地资源管理研究;耕地资源保护与食物安全研究;土地结构调整与优化配置研究;土地利用土地覆被变化( lucc )研究;现代化技术手段在土地资源开发利用中的应用研究等。
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